Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sewing makes me busy

Today I'm little busy doing my scarf crochet, sewing my shirt, at the same time cleaning the sewing machine. I am thinking of sewing my formal dresses, I went to the store and the prices of the dress is expensive so I decided to sew my own dress. It's been a while that I did sew so, I need more practice whuahhh..very trying hard women. I'm very thankful also to my mother in law that she gave me a sewig machine last Christmas so I can start sewing my dress and a lot more stuff to sew. By the way, I will post it here so you can see my dress when it's done. I hope it will come out good. By the way I have to get a going now.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Buti ka pa mitch magaling manahi.


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