Thursday, November 29, 2007

Meal Escaping

One of my friend asked me if I am pregnant because my tummy is getting bigger. I started to be conscious of my body and I want my stored fat to be melted. I think that's one of the reason they think I am pregnant. I am thinking to apply something so my store fat would melt. So funny to think sometimes, I don't want my stored fat. My stored fat bothered me because when my friends saw me the first question they ask me if I am pregnant. So, what I did I escape my supper and guess what? it works. Escaping my super helps me to lost my stored fat. In the morning when I wake up I ate like a king, in the afternoon I ate like a queen and in the evening I didn't ate anymore. I'm glad now that I have thin tummy and slim waist. In addition I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables too.

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